Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring has Sprung

I love spring, I love seeing the sun, I love it hitting 75 degrees, I love seeing flowers come up in our yard, I love mowing the lawn, I love figuring out what in the world we are going to do with our yard in the future.

I could not be more excited for this spring, maybe it is my cabin fever from this last winter, but I have never been happier for it to warm up!

P.S. I did help mow the lawn, Shane just didn't get pictures of it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The story of us

Since it's Shane and my 2nd wedding anniversary today, I have been feeling a little sentimental and decided to tell you all the story of us.

Shane and I first "met" (meaning I saw him, but didn't really talk to him) when Kurt invited me to go hot tubing here in cedar. It was the second semester of my freshman year at SUU. I saw him and immediately liked him. He was very much my "type". Although we didn't talk much, I found out that he was going to be going to San Diego with a group of friends for spring break. Shortly after our meeting, I was also invited to attend this trip. 

We went to San Diego and had a blast! Shane and some of the other guys brought their motorcycles. I was too scared to ask Shane for a ride for most of the week, but eventually bucked up the courage and asked. (This was my one and only ride on the R1, sad) We had a long in depth conversation while hot tubing and I decided he was even more my type than I thought. (I really, really, really liked him) But, I was the little sister of one of his good friends, so me being my introvert self did nothing. 

I saw Shane a few times after that, but summer came and I moved back to good old B-Town. It came as a surprise to find on Facebook someone had posted "R.I.P. Shane Lee", I thought he was dead for a good week or two before Betty Jo came home and I was able to ask if he died. Luckily, he hadn't. But, he had been in a serious motorcycle wreck, that had broken his back, given him a good concussion,  and messed him up in general. 

This is the first cute thing he did: My birthday is a summer birthday, so I am pretty used to no one remembering it. Shane was the only person, besides family, that made the effort to wish me a happy birthday that year. It made my day.

We started "hanging-out" shortly after that because Kurt started inviting me around  (Thanks, Kurt!) We had many Dr. Pepper fueled evenings watching movies, stealing signs from friends, having dance parties,  and doing bomb fires.

It was on one of these said "movie nights" that I decided to walk Shane out because he had to go to work. This was the beautiful backdrop to out first kiss. (Yes, he kissed me before out first real "date") 

Shane then asked Betty Jo if it was okay if he asked me out on a date, apparently she thought I would say "no". I didn't, and we had our first date that weekend at City Cafe and Deli. They used to do these fun dinners where they cook a big meal and you just eat what they make. Makes decisions easier.

Pretty much it was history from there, we never fought, and never had a reason to be apart from one another. We found that we really enjoyed each others company, and I feel like we have only progressed since then. 

We started dating: September 20, 2009

We were married: April 9, 2011

We were sealed: October 10, 2012

We have only been together a few years now, but I couldn't imagine my life without him. 

I love Shane with all of my heart. I never could have imagined what loving with "all my heart" could mean until I met him. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In the eye of the beholder...

So I have felt a little, well a lot, out of shape lately. I have packed on pounds I didn't know existed. Which has led me to the daily drama of trying, mostly failing, to work out.

Then something happened, we went for Saturday "brunch" at Wunderbar. They have on of the cutest/nicest/funniest waitress there. She is short and spunky. As we were getting ready to leave she gives me a big hug (I love random hugging) and she tells me that she thinks I have a great butt, like awesome, and she wishes she could have a butt like that. I wasn't embarrassed cause I though it was so sweet of her to say so and from her it was totally not weird.

This got me thinking, my body really is not as bad as it could be, yeah I weigh more than I want and I still need to have a more active lifestyle but, at least I still have a butt that someone wishes they had and I should be grateful for it and all my other good to adequate qualities.